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Provider has a BA in ECE

Licensed in good standing, NYS license #809160GFDC

CPR/FIRST AID certified 

Playschool provides, at no additional cost; diapers, wipes, sunscreen, insect repellant, etc

Affordable pricing, full time rates start at $33/day

Healthy breakfasts, lunches, and snacks made with whole grain, and varieties of fruits & vegetables.

Monthly menu

Monthly Newsletter

Brightwheel communication app, in real time

as much outdoor time as possible

facebook page with regular updates & photos

loosely structured routine with circle time, story time, song & dance time, art, sensory, free play

child led, play based literacy curriculum

dedicated classroom with separate entrance, playground. kitchen & restroom

developmentally appropriate educational activities

scholastic book club

Our focus is on the seven principles of child developement

1. Gross motor skills (large muscle groups)

2. Fine motor skills (small muscles, hand-eye coordination)

3. Language development (alphabetics, phonemic awareness, oral & written language)

4. Cognitive Development (cause & effect, reasoning, pre math skills)

5. Social/Emotional (pretend, manners, feeling safe & loved, social skills) 

6. Self help/adaptive (toilet training, dressing, feeding and self help skills)

7. Moral (right wrong, making good choices & being kind) 

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